Vat Periods

Retrieve a VAT Period from Basecone by it's unique identifier.

GET accountingsystems/wkbelgium/vatperiods/:vatPeriodId

VAT Period properties

Property Type Description
VatPeriodId Guid Unique identifier of VAT Period
ExternalId String Accounting system identifier for vat period
Company Company object Company with unique identifier to link
StartDate Date Time Start Date for the Vat Period
EndDate Date Time End Date for the Vat Period
NameDe String Vat Period Name in Deutsche
NameEn String Vat Period Name in English
NameFr String Vat Period Name in French
NameNl String Vat Period Name in Dutch

Example response

	"vatPeriodId": "cae21fda-7592-4d01-8d27-56812aba6535",
	"externalId": "c9362aea-b3e1-424c-a349-064f204a52a2",
	"company": {
		"companyId": "c6ef5d15-a1a8-4d69-ba8a-ff4947851a0c",
		"companyCode": "CompanyCode",
		"_links": [
				"rel": "self",
				"href": ""
	"startDate": "2016-11-01T00:00:00",
	"endDate": "2016-11-30T00:00:00",
	"nameDe": "NameDe",
	"nameEn": "NameEn",
	"nameFr": "NameFr",
	"nameNl": "NameNL",
	"_links": [
			"rel": "self",
			"href": ""

If something goes wrong an error message with failure details will be given together with a suitable HTTP error status code

Possible error responses

Status code Error code Details
404 Not Found Vat Period Does Not Exist