
Retrieve a Vatcode from Basecone by its unique identifier.

GET vatcodes/:vatCodeUniqueId

Vatcode response properties

Property Type Description Optional
VatCodeUniqueId Guid The unique identifier of the Vatcode. No
ExternalId String Accounting system identifier for Vatcode. Yes
Code String Vatcode. No
Name String Vatcode Name. No
Percentages Percetange request object Percentages of Vatcode. Yes
IsIcp Bool Tax return in another European Union country. No.
VatCodeType String The type of a Vatcode, possible values are purchase,sales. Yes
IsExclusive Bool Tax return in another European Union country. Yes
CompanyId Guid Company Identifier. No

Percentages response properties

Property Type Description
Id Guid Percentage Unique Identifier. No
Percentage Decimal Percentage Value to be applied. No
StartDate Date Start Date for the Vatcode. No
ExternalId Guid Accounting System identifier Yes
Name String Percentage name. Yes

Example response:

    "vatCodeUniqueId": "730a5d63-c461-495f-beff-3aa4023a4fe9",
    "externalId": "ICC-purchase",
    "code": "ICC",
    "name": "ICC BAD_ICP",
    "percentages": [
            "id": "ff48ea6f-0e6a-4ff2-8adf-59722b1c1be8",
            "percentage": 0.00000,
            "startDate": null,
            "externalId": "c186c9cf-3dcc-4cca-a66a-4168d4cf2bcc",
            "name": null
    "isIcp": false,
    "vatCodeType": "purchase",
    "isExclusive": true,
    "companyId": "72d7c981-19a3-449a-bd8a-ab1cbc6ace46",
    "_links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "http://localhost:54434/vatcodes/730a5d63-c461-495f-beff-3aa4023a4fe9"

Possible error responses

Status code Error code Details
403 forbidden User have no access to this resource.
404 resource_not_found The requested resource is not found.