Transaction proposal updated event

A transaction proposal can be changed by a user and when these changes are saved this event is raised.

Event properties

Property Type Description
CompanyId Guid Unique identifier of the company.
DocumentId Guid Unique identifier of the document.
TransactionProposalId Guid Unique identifier of the transaction proposal.


  "transactionProposalId": "b478c0c0-d27c-4691-81d7-9a80aa7823e1",
  "documentId": "52f5fc19-d90e-41c1-81f5-87576871bc45",
  "id": "b4c7d421-cee7-4542-9d75-009f91504829",
  "companyId": "fb8f9584-3fc6-4cc7-abda-530ff397ea82",
  "created": "2014-11-11T13:43:15.1741619Z",
  "webhookEventType": "TransactionProposalUpdated",
  "customFields": {}