
Retrieve all transactions for a specific company from Basecone.

GET transactions?companyId=:id

Request properties

Property Type Description Optional
companyId Guid Company Unique Identifier. No

For more details on collection requests see Collection details and Optional fields.


Search can be performed using the following fields:

Field Type Description
Relation String Customer or Suplier (available only for Purchases and Sales)
GET transactions?companyId=:id&relation=:customer_supplier
TransactionNumber String Transaction number
GET transactions?companyId=:id&transactionNumber=:number
TransactionDate String/ Range Transaction date (must be set in en-GB culture yyyy-MM-dd).

By default: [ "2000-01-01", current date plus 1 year ]

GET transactions?companyId=:id&transactionDate=:date
GET transactions?companyId=:id&transactionDate=[:date,:date]
By range:
GET transactions?companyId=:id&transactionDate=["2015-01-01","2016-01-01"]
By exact value:
GET transactions?companyId=:id&transactionDate=2015-01-01
TotalAmount String/ Range Total amount (can be a negative one also and must be set in en-GB culture 0.00 )
GET transactions?companyId=:id&totalAmount=:amount
GET transactions?companyId=:id&totalAmount=[:amount,:amount]
BookYear Int Book year from Period
GET transactions?companyId=:id&bookYear=:year


Sorting can be performed by using the sort parameter, for the following properties:

Relation - supplier/customer name (note that this parameter does not belong to the response properties)

Transaction collection properties

Property Type Description
Transactions Array A list of transactions.
_links Array A list of useful preconfigured uri's a client app can use to navigate this resource collection.
_metadata Complex object Optional object with additional information concerning the current returned result.

For details on transaction properties see transaction details.

Example response:

  "transactions": [
      "type": "Sales",
      "description": "",
      "dueDate": "2016-04-30T00:00:00",
      "invoiceNumber": "6582802104594209-33",
      "customer": {
        "customerId": "e2f43f43-5358-41c8-a211-ee578badd1ac",
        "code": "8952",
        "name": "Telefooncompany B.V."
      "paymentCondition": {
        "paymentConditionId": "56a7a0d7-a8f6-451f-a406-243b5bcb2b49",
        "code": "00"
      "isInPaymentBatch": true,
      "isCreditNote": false,
      "totalAmount": 188.88,
      "transactionId": "d5df709d-d523-4462-9c19-bb233f8979a3",
      "documentId": "487460c4-5e61-432d-b1c1-4fb6c9074392",
      "targetCompany": {
        "code": "5"
      "destinationCompany": {
        "code": "5"
      "transactionNumber": "16700005",
      "transactionDate": "2016-03-31T00:00:00",
      "generalLedger": {
        "generalLedgerId": "15a33fa9-def7-4106-8af2-2cf5ef86366a",
        "code": "1300"
      "period": "2016/3",
      "currency": {
        "currencyId": "b5e42d0a-97a1-4185-96b5-55cc03029a72",
        "code": "EUR"
      "additionalField1": null,
      "additionalField2": null,
      "additionalField3": "AAAwwg==487460C45E61432DB1C14FB6C9074392",
      "isFinalBooking": false,
      "bookYear": 2016
      "type": "Purchase",
      "description": "",
      "dueDate": "2016-04-30T00:00:00",
      "invoiceNumber": "2713-2016-3411",
      "purchaseOrderNumber": null,
      "supplier": {
        "supplierId": "10f1cd3a-d7a7-4d11-96a4-a73e9568d622",
        "code": "8971",
        "name": "basecone"
      "paymentCondition": {
        "paymentConditionId": "56a7a0d7-a8f6-451f-a406-243b5bcb2b49",
        "code": "00"
      "isInPaymentBatch": true,
      "isCreditNote": false,
      "totalAmount": 255.46,
      "transactionId": "5d2c2aae-7a16-4857-aaa9-1ab8a42411b2",
      "documentId": "c4079fc8-2b38-4e35-ac16-a084c6b6ccc7",
      "targetCompany": {
        "code": "5"
      "destinationCompany": {
        "code": "5"
      "transactionNumber": "16600062",
      "transactionDate": "2016-03-31T00:00:00",
      "generalLedger": {
        "generalLedgerId": "d0d9e73b-bd8a-41d9-90bb-fc3b79268758",
        "code": "1600"
      "period": "2016/3",
      "currency": {
        "currencyId": "b5e42d0a-97a1-4185-96b5-55cc03029a72",
        "code": "EUR"
      "additionalField1": null,
      "additionalField2": null,
      "additionalField3": "AAAwwg==C4079FC82B384E35AC16A084C6B6CCC7",
      "isFinalBooking": false,
      "bookYear": 2016
    "_links": [{
            "rel" : "self",
            "href" : ""
    "_metadata" : {
        "total" : 14,
        "count" : 2

Possible error responses

Status code Error code Details
400 validation_error One or more validation errors occurred.
400 validation_error User is not allowed to the company
400 validation_error an unknown error occurred
400 validation_error One or more properties were not valid
400 invalid_request_payload Company id cannot be empty
400 invalid_request_payload One or more validation errors occurred.
401 unauthorized User is not authorized to access the resource.
403 forbidden User has no rights to execute the requested operation