Sales Transactions
Retrieve sales transaction from Basecone by its unique identifier.
GET transactions/:id
Example response
{ "type": "sales", "description": "", "dueDate": "2014-09-07T00:00:00", "invoiceNumber": "hyrht54654", "customer": { "customerId": "bb2bbc28-5cd2-4751-b232-496c7cdde486", "code": "1002", "name": "" }, "paymentCondition":{ "paymentConditionId": "d6bbcf34-9fec-40ca-800d-8df0ded40f61", "code": "30" }, "isInPaymentBatch": true, "isCreditNote": false, "totalAmount": 500, "transactionId": "d6bbcf34-9fec-40ca-800d-8df0ded40f61", "documentId": "afdae3ec-9784-4b31-9529-4d05008a22e4", "targetCompany": { "code": "9901" }, "destinationCompany":{ "code": "9901" }, "transactionNumber": null, "transactionDate": "2014-08-08T00:00:00", "generalLedger": { "generalLedgerId": "42c79cbd-b845-432c-a67c-ea45739070f7", "code": "1300" }, "period": "2014/8", "currency": { "currencyId": "c9a4dfa7-7ac6-4a04-9054-c89d2af29d07", "code": "EUR" }, "additionalField1": "Some text", "additionalField2": "Some more text", "additionalField3": "AAAHlw==AFDAE3EC97844B3195294D05008A22E4", "transactionLines": [ { "intraCommunity": { "code": "0090", "VatNumber": "NL3298742987", "Date": "2014-08-05T00:00:00", "IcpDeliveryType": "goods", }, "transactionLineId": "0a20f63a-9a7e-48e3-9c05-0344bf990077", "lineNumber": 2, "description": "Some description", "additionalField1": "Some text", "destinationCompany": { "code": "9901" }, "generalLedger": { "generalLedgerId": "42c79cbd-b845-432c-a67c-ea45739070f7", "code": "0090" }, "costCenter": { "code": "00013" }, "costUnit": { "code": "D0001" }, "project": { "code": "P0008" }, "amount": 500, "vatCode": { "vatCodeId": "7d3a9b64-9889-45e7-b88c-56afc565e759", "code": "IV21" }, "vatAmount": 120 } ], "bookYear": 2014 }
Sales transaction properties
Properties specific to sales transactions are printed bold, other properties are shared between all types of transactions.
Property | Type | Description | Optional |
Description | String | Description | No |
AdditionalField1 | Type | Additional text field I | No |
DueDate | DateTime (nullable) | Due date | No |
InvoiceNumber | String | Invoice number | No |
Customer | Customer object | Customer | No |
PaymentCondition | Payment condition object | Payment condition, not supported for all accounting systems | No |
IsInPaymentBatch | Bool | This indicates and provides a trigger if the transaction needs to be taken into account for any payment run in the 3rd party application. | No |
IsCreditNote | Bool | Indicates whether this transaction is a credit note. | No |
TotalAmount | Decimal (nullable) | Total amount | No |
TransactionId | Guid | Unique identifier of the transaction. | No |
Type | String | Indicates the type of transaction, possible value are cash ,sales ,purchase ,journal . |
No |
DocumentId | Guid | Unique identifier of related document. | No |
TargetCompany | Company object | This is the company that is targeted to receive the posting line details. This differs from the destination company. | No |
DestinationCompany | Company object | The destination company is the company to which the header of a transaction in generally booked. | No |
TransactionNumber | Long (nullable) | Transaction number is the unique number per booking, that is a reference for the transaction from Basecone or any other application (3rd party). | No |
TransactionDate | DateTime (nullable) | This is the date of the transaction, in most cases the invoice date. The invoice date is generally mentioned on each invoice and differs from the transaction date. | No |
GeneralLedger | GeneralLedger object | This is the code of the ledger that is selected to book a transaction. This represents the category of booking. | No |
Period | String | The period of a transaction relates to the transaction date and represents the specific period in the accounts of a company. | No |
Currency | Currency object | Currency used in transaction. | No |
AdditionalField1 | String | Additional text field I | No |
AdditionalField2 | String | Additional text field II | No |
AdditionalField3 | String | Additional text field III | No |
IsFinalBooking | Bool | Indicates if this transaction is booked as a final booking. | No |
TransactionLines | Array | Collection of transactionlines. Type of transactionline depends on the type of transaction. | Yes |
BookYear | Int | The booking year of a transaction relates to the year in the period property. | No |
Sales transaction line properties
Property | Type | Description | Optional |
IntraCommunity | IntraCommunity object | This indicates if the VAT code is related to an Intra Community Transaction/delivery. | No |
AdditionalField1 | String | Additional text field I | No |
TransactionLineId | Guid | Unique identifier of the transaction line. | No |
LineNumber | Int | Line number | No |
Description | String | Description | No |
DestinationCompany | Company object | The destination company is the company to which the header of a transaction in generally booked. | No |
GeneralLedger | GeneralLedger object | This is the code of the ledger that is selected to book a transaction. This represents the category of booking. | No |
CostCenter | CostCenter object | Cost center | No |
CostUnit | CostUnit object | Cost unit.
Note: currently, supported only on Unit4 companies. |
No |
Project | Project object | Project | No |
Amount | Decimal (nullable) | Amount | No |
VatCode | VatCode object | Vat code | No |
VatAmount | Decimal (nullable) | Vat amount | No |
Possible error responses
Status code | Error code | Details |
404 | transaction_not_found | Transaction with specified unique id could not be found |