Document tagged event

A document tagged event is raised when a document is tagged, this can happen via api, website, or during import of a document via email.

Event properties

Property Type Description
companyId Guid Unique identifier of the company.
documentId Guid Unique identifier of the document.
tag.code string Tag code, possible values are CASH, JNL,PNV,SLS,BNK,CUST.
tag.customTags Array of guids Ids of the custom tags used, can only occur if tag.code has the value CUST.


  "tag": {
    "code": "SLS",
    "customTags": []
  "documentId": "b4e04b5f-69f3-447e-9607-37fa532a247a",
  "id": "0c28f6c6-1210-423d-ab5c-193d06b48e00",
  "companyId": "fb8f9584-3fc6-4cc7-abda-530ff397ea82",
  "created": "2014-09-30T13:50:48.9811347Z",
  "webhookEventType": "DocumentTagged",
  "customFields": {}