
Retrieve a document from Basecone by it's unique identifier.

GET documents/:id

Request properties

Property Type Description Optional
fields Array Optional fields to retrieve. Yes
getAnalyticalLedgersFullName Boolean Optional fields to retrieve General lendger fields as "Code - Name" Yes

Document properties

Property Type Description Optional
DocumentId Guid Unique identifier of the document. No
Name String The name of the document. No
Status String The document's current status. No
TransactionProposalId Guid Unique identifier of the transaction proposal if available. No
TransactionId Guid Unique identifier of the transaction if available. No
Source string Import source of the document, possible values are WebPortal,WebService,MailImporter. No
SourceMetadata complex Additional specific details concerning the source of the document. Yes
Type string The type of a document, possible values are Unstructured,Structured,Storage. Yes
CreatedOn datetime Created date. Yes
ModifiedOn datetime Last modified date. Yes
Tag complex Details on the tag information of this document, if any. Yes
User complex Reference to the user who imported this document. Yes
Company complex Reference to the company this document belongs to. Yes
Lock complex Details on the lock of this document, if any. Yes
LookupIdentifier complex Document link to expose this document, if any. Premium APP users can see this link as soon as the document has been authorized for booking. Yes
MetData complex Document MetaData details. Yes
Project string The name of the project of this document. Yes
CostCenter string The name of the cost center of this document. Yes

Example response:

    "documentId": "c941485c-45c2-4144-9fda-da7d40a23aa3",
    "transactionProposalId": null,
    "transactionId": "fa96f1b2-abc4-40a3-9734-efe1eb1a115a",
    "transactionDate": "2020-07-01T00:00:00",
    "period": "2020/07",
    "invoiceNumber": "111111114444",
    "paymentConditions": null,
    "name": "two authoriser",
    "status": "Booked",
    "relation": "Kelly Solutions",
    "total": 44.0000,
    "description": "",
    "source": "WebPortal",
    "type": "Unstructured",
    "sourceMetadata": null,
    "createdOn": "2023-07-26T06:23:10.647",
    "modifiedOn": "2023-11-02T11:18:14.037",
    "company": {
        "companyId": "9eef0578-e92c-4443-bc8a-7d5721271891",
        "companyCode": "MANCITY",
        "_links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": ""
    "tag": {
        "code": "SLS",
        "codeValue": "SLS",
        "customTags": [
    "lock": null,
    "user": {
        "userId": "a598de1f-1d4b-4bee-863a-4dc6d1a7cbb5",
        "_links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": ""
        "name": null,
        "userName": null
    "lookupIdentifier": {
        "identifier": "AACvEw==A6AB6342794643429E15B97C49023CCB",
    "project": null,
    "costCenter": "00001 - another cost center",
    "metadata": [
    "_links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
    "lines": [
            "index": 1,
            "accountCode": "7300",
            "accountName": "Car fuel & oil",
            "amount": 44.0000,
            "project": null,
            "costCenter": "00001 - another cost center",
            "costUnit": null,
            "description": null,
            "dossier": null,
            "vatAmount": 0.0000,
            "vatCode": null,
            "purchaseOrderNumber": ""
    "authorizers": null

TagDetails properties

Property Type Description
Code string The tag code, possible values are CASH, JNL,PNV,SLS,BNK,CUST.
CodeValue string The tag code translated for the company language.
CustomTags complex A list of custom tags, only possible if tag code is CUST.

CustomTag properties

Property Type Description
CustomTagId Guid Unique identifier of the custom tag.
Label string The label if this custom tag.
        "customTagId": "3e00a63f-d793-4237-92c0-cd2dde243a12",
        "label": "My own tag",
        "_links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": ""

DocumentLock properties

Property Type Description
LockDate Datetime The date this document was locked.
LockUser complex The reference to the user who has this document locked.

UserReference properties

Property Type Description
UserId Guid Unique identifier of the user.
        "userId": "3e00a63f-d793-4237-92c0-cd2dde243a12",
        "_links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": ""

CompanyReference properties

Property Type Description
CompanyId Guid Unique identifier of the company.
CompanyCode string The code of this company.
        "companyId": "fb8f9584-3fc6-4cc7-abda-530ff397ea82",
        "companyCode": "1028",
        "_links": [
                "rel": "self",
                "href": ""

LookupIdentifier properties

Property Type Description
Identifier string Unique identifier of the lookup link.
Link string Link to the document referenced by this identifier.
            "identifier": "AAA1CQ==299E6856244F48BD884389E48F285B20",
            "link": ""

DocumentMetaData properties

Property Type Description
Key string Metadata Type Identifier, possible values are 1 for Expense Claims
Value string Metadata Text Value
        "metadata": [
            "key": "ExpenseClaim",
            "value": "Águas was here"