Retrieve a customer from Basecone by it's unique identifier.
GET customers/:id
Customer properties
Property | Type | Description | Optional |
Company | Company request object | Company with unique identifier to link. | No |
Code | String | Customer Code. | No |
ExternalId | String | Accounting system identifier for customer. | Yes |
Address | Address request object | Address information for customer location. | Yes |
PayCollectType | PayCollectType request object | Pay Collect Type with code to link. | Yes |
VatCode | VatCode request object | Vat with code to link. | Yes |
Name | String | Customer name. | No |
VatNumber | String | Vat number. | Yes |
ChamberOfCommerce | String | Chamber of Commerce number. | Yes |
Phone | String | Phone number. | Yes |
Fax | String | Fax number. | Yes |
BankAccounts | Array | List of Bank accounts. | Yes |
SubstitutionGeneralLedger | GeneralLedger request object | Substitution General Ledger with code to link. | Yes |
PaymentDiscount | PaymentDiscount request object | Payment Discount information. | Yes |
Number | String | Customer number. | Yes |
PaymentCondition | PaymentCondition request object | Payment Condition with code to link. | Yes |
String | Email address. | Yes | |
Metadata | Array (key value pair) | Customer metadata. | Yes |
Example response:
{ "customerId" : "4133b363-d151-4a25-9792-b6f115d031d1", "_links" : [{ "rel" : "self", "href" : "" } ], "code" : "2025", "name" : "2jours", "externalId" : "2025", "company" : { "companyId" : "10375003-aa0f-4fe6-be1b-cad775fe35ec", "companyCode" : "1029", "_links" : [{ "rel" : "self", "href" : "" } ] }, "address" : { "streetName" : "Somestreet, "streetNumber" : "13H", "city" : "Baarn", "postalCode" : "1338 AA", "country" : { "code" : "NL" } }, "vatCode" : "VAT001", "vatNumber" : "VAT11", "fax" : "Fax", "bankAccounts" : [], "substitutionGeneralLedger" : { "generalLedgerId" : "4afa8d3e-7d4b-4df5-8562-219aaa3bde25", "code" : "Code" }, "number" : "number123", "email" : "", "chamberOfCommerce" : "ChamB001", "phone" : "0613371337", "metaData" : [], "paymentCondition" : { "paymentConditionId" : "4afa8d3e-7d4b-4df5-8562-219aaa3bde25", "code" : "Code" }, "paymentDiscount" : { "paymentDays": 13, "discountPercentage": 14.12, "discountCalculationMethod": "calculation_method", "generalLedger": { "code": "GEN001" } } }