
Retrieve a customer from Basecone by it's unique identifier.

GET customers/:id

Customer properties

Property Type Description Optional
Company Company request object Company with unique identifier to link. No
Code String Customer Code. No
ExternalId String Accounting system identifier for customer. Yes
Address Address request object Address information for customer location. Yes
PayCollectType PayCollectType request object Pay Collect Type with code to link. Yes
VatCode VatCode request object Vat with code to link. Yes
Name String Customer name. No
VatNumber String Vat number. Yes
ChamberOfCommerce String Chamber of Commerce number. Yes
Phone String Phone number. Yes
Fax String Fax number. Yes
BankAccounts Array List of Bank accounts. Yes
SubstitutionGeneralLedger GeneralLedger request object Substitution General Ledger with code to link. Yes
PaymentDiscount PaymentDiscount request object Payment Discount information. Yes
Number String Customer number. Yes
PaymentCondition PaymentCondition request object Payment Condition with code to link. Yes
Email String Email address. Yes
Metadata Array (key value pair) Customer metadata. Yes

Example response:

	"customerId" : "4133b363-d151-4a25-9792-b6f115d031d1",
	"_links" : [{
			"rel" : "self",
			"href" : ""
	"code" : "2025",
	"name" : "2jours",
	"externalId" : "2025",
	"company" : {
		"companyId" : "10375003-aa0f-4fe6-be1b-cad775fe35ec",
		"companyCode" : "1029",
		"_links" : [{
				"rel" : "self",
				"href" : ""
	"address" : {
		"streetName" : "Somestreet,
		"streetNumber" : "13H",
		"city" : "Baarn",
		"postalCode" : "1338 AA",
		"country" : {
			"code" : "NL"
	"vatCode" : "VAT001",
	"vatNumber" : "VAT11",
	"fax" : "Fax",
	"bankAccounts" : [],
	"substitutionGeneralLedger" : {
		"generalLedgerId" : "4afa8d3e-7d4b-4df5-8562-219aaa3bde25",
		"code" : "Code"
	"number" : "number123",
	"email" : "",
	"chamberOfCommerce" : "ChamB001",
	"phone" : "0613371337",
	"metaData" : [],
	"paymentCondition" : {
		"paymentConditionId" : "4afa8d3e-7d4b-4df5-8562-219aaa3bde25",
		"code" : "Code"
	"paymentDiscount" : {
        "paymentDays": 13,
        "discountPercentage": 14.12,
        "discountCalculationMethod": "calculation_method",
        "generalLedger": {
            "code": "GEN001"