Create a webhook subscription

Create a new webhook subscription for a specific company.

If the webhook destination responds with any HTTP status code other than 200 (Success), we will consider it a failure. The request is also considered a failure if Basecone does not receive a response within 5 seconds. In case webhook destination responds with the HTTP status code 401 (Unauthorized) the webhook will be automatically unsubscribed, in all other cases we will resend the webhook notification every hour for a period of a week until the destination responds with an HTTP status code of 200.

POST subscriptions

Request details

The post request will contain all the required information to subscribe to company events.

Request properties

Property Type Description Optional
CompanyId Guid Unique identifier of a company. No
Endpoint Uri A valid url representing the endpoint Basecone needs to deliver events to. No
Username string A username that Basecone will use for basic authentication when delivering the event. Yes
Password string A password that Basecone will use for basic authentication when delivering the event. Yes

Example request

  "username": "baseconeappuser",
  "password": "baseconeappusersecret"


Upon successful creation of a webhook subscription a 200 status code will be returned, otherwise an error message with failure details.