Update transaction proposal using auto create option

Create a new supplier while updating a purchase transaction proposal.

This API resource is only available to Premium APPs.

PUT transactionproposals/:id?autocreate=true

This autoCreate option is currently only supported for suppliers.

Name and code are required and if the code is already known the existing supplier will not be changed.

Example request

    "transactionDate": "2014-08-05T00:00:00",
    "period": "2014/8",
    "description": "An invoice pour vous",
    "dueDate": "2014-08-19T00:00:00",
    "invoiceNumber": "dfgd4534",
    "purchaseOrderNumber": "PO123456789",
    "supplier": {
        "code": "2000",
        "name": "my new supplier"
    "isInPaymentBatch": true,
    "isCreditNote": false,
    "isFinalBooking": false,
    "totalAmount": 500,
    "currency": {
        "code": "EUR"
    "additionalField1": "Some text",
    "transactionLines": [
            "transactionLineId": "fc3fa8ef-ddad-407b-b6f4-ecb3e329f4e3",
            "intraCommunity": {
                "countryCode": "nl",
                "vatNumber": "NL3298742987",
                "date": "2014-08-05T00:00:00",
                "icpDeliveryType": "goods",
            "quantity" : {
                "value" : 123.45,
                "unit" : {
                    "code" : "mtr"
            "description": "3.30",
            "additionalField1": "Some text",
            "destinationCompany": {
                "code": "9901"
            "generalLedger": {
                "code": "0090"
            "costCenter": {
                "code": "00013"
            "costUnit": {
                "code": "D0001"
            "project": {
                "code": "P0008"
            "amount": 500,
            "vatCode": {
                "code": "IV21"
            "vatAmount": 120

Reference object properties

The refence object supports the Name property when using the auto create option.

Property Type Description
Code String The code for the new supplier.
Name String The name for the new supplier.